Sunday, October 5, 2008

Entry 7

I actually had a lot of trouble with this assignment. My topic was very difficult to find in books. In fact I could not locate any books with information regarding geographical sites that have healing powers. I ended up finding two articles and two books on visualization healing. The articles are very relavent to my topic. They both talk about Stonehenge and it's blue stones and that it is now being called an ancient Lourdes. Which also brings into light Lourdes as a place of healing. My two books are both on imagery healing they have slight relavence to my topic. By being in a place that you can visualize healing you are able to relax feel the energy there and heal. I wish I could have found even more sources and I think I will keep looking. This has proved to be a difficult topic to find in printed text.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

English 101, I have read several of your blogs and I kind of get the feeling that we may be in the same train of thought. At times, I think that the assignments are going to fairly easy, but once I get into deep research, I find otherwise. Personally, I am not a big fan of the paranormal, and I am not sure if that may be why I find it so difficult, but I am attemptiong to learn a little soemthing about it. At first I thought that I may be more interested in it, but the more I go on, the more I am not. Keep up the great research, and if you find any interesting research for me, please don't hesitate to pass it along. Good luck in the class!